The Gallery Doors are Open


Hasn’t  ~LOVE~  in all of it’s nuances and complexity been examined and exploited? Is there anything left unsaid? unseen? Well, have you shared your love story? I ask because…

Love isn’t the predictable, hard and fast equations/solutions/calculations of math (thankfully)

Love is art. Each of our relationships are a beautiful, never-seen-before masterpiece! This is why we open our gallery for viewing.


From the first time I met him, I knew there was something deeply embedded in him like a hidden mystery that I had to discover. I’ve never stopped excavating. Year after year I’ve always and continuously found gold in him. It’s in the smallest of things about him (about us) that loom large and overwhelm me with emotion. The little things that pile up over time to make a glorious mountain. Each moment. -A glance in the middle of his busy day when he stops and looks at me with intention. -A touch as we pass each other in the kitchen. -A kiss when he leaves the room. -An “it’s going to be ok” reassurance when I’m in doubt, makes me feel like I matter to him. I can’t help but smile like I’m keeping a really good secret.

There’s the way he reaches over and touches me in the night. More than reassurance or desire, there is a divine exchange as I roll over in response-a new explosion of color. I think that’s why I share “us” and add to the volumes; to the galleries. Our love is shape and color that invites others to stand before the painting to look and question; to ponder what it means. I welcome the gaze.

What we say with our opened gallery doors is that the art of love is as amazing as it seems.

We reassure all who come to look. New art is waiting to emerge. 


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