I never could have imagined the extreme highs and lows of this trip, such magic mixed with chaos. When we put our things into storage, there were family and destinations on the calendar, but the true experiences are so much more than black sharpee ink on the blank days of summer.
We’ve has so many highs and lows in our first two months.
Reconnecting with Friends. It’s been surreal to spend so much time with friends from all stages of our lives. Meeting up for coffee or dinner. Seeing the sights. It’s a rare thing to bring friendships from the past and usher them into the present. It feels like a chance of a lifetime, to know someone as they are, not just as they were.
Family. I’ve seen relatives that I have not seen since childhood. I saw aunts and uncles that I’ve missed. I sipped coffee (mixed frothy with coconut oil) and watched the birds, read scripture, listened to podcasts with mom and dad and David. These precious times make you feel like the day is destined for greatness. Blueberry picking, fishing, spending the day with my sister, being with nephews and nieces…the special-ness stacks up and humbles me.
Beach walking. Pensacola, Destin, Edisto Island. While I left my footprints in these places, it is probably more accurate to say they left their mark in me. One particular day, Brooke and I went to the beach together. She came down for a week’s visit. As we got on our floats and rode the waves, I couldn’t help but look over and feel my tears mix with the ocean. She is strong and brave. This summer trip was not on her list of “things to do at 16”. I am proud that she has carved out space for what she wanted. But I sure do miss her.
Our Business. Wow, how long have David and I desired to work together again!? I’ve relished watching him connect, coach and learn new skills. We reached a business milestone together last week and could not be more proud to be part of such a great team! I’m asking the hard questions, desiring to go deeper and dream bigger!
One morning in Edisto, David and I got up at 4:30am to ride bikes on the beach looking for sea turtles. We found the tracks, but just missed seeing her go back into the water. We stayed and drank coffee and watched the sunrise. We saw a guy there with a time lapse video camera. We chatted a moment then went for a walk. We got back to our bikes and he left us a note in the sand that he was a photographer. He said he had captured a cool picture of us and to email him at __.
All along the way, we have been reminded of the beauty around us, within us and behind us. Sometimes revisiting history, highlights the grace, don’t you think? Funny how things re-shape and morph as time goes by.
I made a trip to MO to be with Bethany and help take care of Moses. She miscarried again and had complications. Ir’s another low. But I can’t help but think how life is so punctuated with many highs. It doesn’t take away the pain, but allows us strength to bear it.