The Dream Caster/Hope Dealer Job Explored

…Yeah, that’s what I want to be when I grow up- A Dream Caster/Hope Dealer. And what exactly is that?  I’ve been thinking about it the last few days.  The thought keeps growing and I love to imagine what it looks like, feels like, embodies. I think at the least, it’s a person who is intentional about building others up. When a person leaves interaction with a dream caster, hope dealer, here is what happens:

Dreams become much moreFlower-Wallpaper-For-Desktop vivid and spectacular after that conversation. Flesh and muscle are on the bones and the life breath gets taken.  The sharp gasp startles and surprises. The dream has warmth and health and strength. But most of all, purpose.

Maybe the mind plays out the scenarios  like never before, running in the fields of possibilities like a boy in summer exploring the corn fields at dusk. Bare feet running.  All senses employed. And just when you think the boy is about to go in for the evening, he springs up onto his horse and rides picturesque toward the late summer sun. By the time night falls, he is spent, ready for the sinking that accompanies his head hitting the pillow.

New paint colors for the artwork of life appear at the work station, and the urge to open them up and squeeze the color onto the palette is overwhelming.  Before too long, brush strokes paint new color onto the artwork and a smile emerges from the painter. This is what was needed all along.

New words penetrate the vocabulary, and are scribbled onto the edges of the page.  Little time passes, and the reader is now the author. Now the places of gaps and challenges look like possibility and a book not yet written, loaded with possibility, mystery and intrigue.

Places just read about in books become the afternoon hike. Discoveries like hidden aspen groves and the sound of the trickle of snow melt arrest the whole person.  Explorations are on the horizon. Maps are open on the table and studied, marked with mind and ink.  Treks are planned.  Purposeful places to go. To be.

Contemplation while looking at the night sky feels like a right of passage into the grandest party ever thrown. It’s not just the day’s drudgery coming to an end.  Even the night sky has a new beginning. It is now a gateway into tomorrow.

So, the bottom line is that I do find myself unworthy of this job description, but I do want it, nonetheless. To be a person that impacts the people of this existence; to add where there is lack; to be a contributor of redeeming what was lost…this is dream caster/hope dealer.



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