I started reading an article that referenced Ecc. 3:1 “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to…” (insert your life here). How does this truth play out in my life? What if I don’t want a time for
_? This is a call for me to accept. Accept what? Accept that God has a time for _. There is such a peace that comes with acceptance. Acceptance is the action part of trusting God and his sovereignty. I don’t want this to be true. I want to say that I trust; all the while being the one in control. Do I have to know all the answers before I accept? That’s the way it plays out…me as the final authority. Why do I sometimes feel like a toddler pitchin’ a fit on the floor? What is my hang-up? I KNOW it is with me and my clouded understanding. I see Gods hand extending a gift to me that I do not want. We’ve all seen it…birthday party…gift opening…beautiful package…then a revelation of the recipient either not wanting what he has opened or not knowing what in the world the gift is. An immature child will react openly and say something like “I already have one” or “what is it”? But what does a mature person do? He graciously accepts the gift, all the while being truly thankful for the person who took the time to be so thoughtful. It is so much more about the relationship than about the gift. Knowing God more intimately forces my hand in this scenerio. It is all about the relationship…all about the trust. He is giving me something, and whether or not I know it; I need it. I’ve read before that “you can’t learn what you think you already know”. Maybe it is thinking too highly of my ability to discern what I need/want that hinders my acceptance. There is no peace in self-reliance. There is great peace in acceptance. My prayer today…”Lord, help me to be not only open-handed, waiting to receive your gift; but in the moment that I think I don’t need this gift; help me to be there in all honesty; smiling, knowing that your gift is perfect, timely, necessary and beautiful. Help me to be as overwhelmed with your love as I know I should be…unworthy of any gift.”